How to Win the Lottery


Lottery is a type of gambling in which people pay to have their names drawn to win prizes. It’s different from games of skill, which require a level of knowledge or talent to succeed. Historically, lottery winners have come from every walk of life. Some famous examples include George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, who both ran a lottery to help finance the construction of the Mountain Road in Virginia and to buy cannons during the Revolutionary War.

But even though there is a chance for success, the odds are slim. And it’s easy to become addicted to this form of gambling. Despite the high costs and minuscule chances of winning, lottery tickets contribute billions to state coffers each year. The money, experts say, can be used to help people who need it most.

Counting the digits: Taking a close look at your ticket, find all the “random” outside numbers that repeat and mark those spaces where you find a singleton (or 1 in place of a repeating number). On a separate sheet of paper, draw a mock-up of the lottery ticket, filling in a one for each space where a singleton is found. A group of ones will signal a winner 60-90% of the time.

Richard Lustig, a former professional gambler and founder of the Scientific Lottery Method, says his tried and true system can put you in the winner’s seat. Watch the video to learn more about his proven winning formula and see how you can turn your lottery dreams into a dazzling reality.